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mz세대 영어뜻

by sftt 2023. 12. 15.

MZ Generation: The Definition and Characteristics

The term "MZ Generation" refers to the population segment born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s, also known as Millennials or Gen Y. This group grew up during the rapid advancements in technology, witnessing the birth of the internet, social media, and smartphones. As a result, they have a unique set of characteristics and attitudes that distinguish them from previous generations. Let's delve into the defining aspects of the MZ Generation:


The MZ generation is often called the first true "digital natives" due to their exposure to technology from an early age. They have readily adopted digital devices and the internet as an integral part of their lives. This technological fluency has transformed the way they think, communicate, and consume information. MZ individuals are not only long-time users of social media platforms but also the creators of trends that spread across various online communities.

Individuality and Self-Expression

Members of the MZ Generation value individuality and self-expression. They prioritize personal identity and freedom of expression, often embracing non-traditional lifestyle choices and breaking social norms. MZ individuals are more likely to challenge conventional ideologies and seek out alternative paths in education, career, and lifestyle.

Socially Conscious

The MZ Generation exhibits a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. They are deeply concerned about social issues such as climate change, inequality, and inclusivity. MZ individuals actively engage in social activism and are keen on supporting brands and organizations that align with their values.

Work-Life Balance

Unlike previous generations, the MZ Generation places a high value on work-life balance. They prioritize flexibility and seek meaningful, fulfilling work rather than solely focusing on financial success. MZ individuals are more likely to prioritize leisure, personal growth, and experiences over traditional career advancement.

Tech-Savvy Consumers

MZ individuals are avid consumers who rely heavily on online platforms for shopping, researching products, and seeking recommendations. They value convenience, personalized experiences, and transparency when interacting with brands. Social media influencers play a significant role in shaping their purchasing decisions.


The MZ Generation represents a cohort of individuals shaped by the rapid advancements in technology and characterized by their individuality, social consciousness, and tech-savviness. As they continue to mature and influence the world around them, it is crucial for businesses and society as a whole to understand their distinct characteristics and cater to their needs and preferences.
